Why We Pray
A Few of Our Outreach Activities
Working with those Experiencing Homelessness
San Diego has one of the nation’s highest homeless populations. We take seriously Jesus’ call to be with those who are hungry and living in poverty.
Community Breakfast
On the third Sunday of each month, we host a Community Breakfast. All are welcome, but we take a special interest in serving those in need. Anyone who comes will be waited on and receive a free hot breakfast. Our Community Breakfast began in 2008. Since that time, we’ve served close to 12,000 meals.

Standing with Those on the Margins
In 2017, there was a Hepatitis Outbreak among those experiencing homelessness. Check out how we responded.
Third Sunday Outreach
“Third Sunday Outreach” brings together two additional ways to support those on the margins. The congregation is invited to bring grocery items to “Fill the Cart”, a shopping cart placed in the narthex (entryway). All groceries and toiletries collected go to assist Uptown Community Service Center, a non-profit community service center in North Park (originally started by UCC). In addition, $5.00 gift cards for McDonald’s are offered for sale to the congregation to share with those in need we meet during the week.
Being an Open & Affirming Congregation is a key part of our identity. Since the mid-90s University Christian Church has been involved in the PRIDE parade and festival. We were the first Open & Affirming Disciples of Christ congregation in Southern California and we are proud to proclaim God’s love for all people and to affirm the inherent worth and dignity of the LGBTQ+ community.

Heifer International
Heifer International empowers families to turn hunger and poverty into hope and prosperity – but their approach is more than just giving a handout. Heifer links communities and helps bring sustainable agriculture and commerce to areas with a long history of poverty. Heifer’s animals provide partners with both food and reliable income, as agricultural products such as milk, eggs and honey can be traded or sold at market.
When many families gain this new sustainable income, it brings new opportunities for building schools, creating agricultural cooperatives, forming community savings and funding small businesses.
Most recently, UCC gave a substantial $10,000 gift to Heifer. Find our more about Heifer.

Advocacy Work
We strive to “practice what we preach” and to be out in the community pursuing the work of peace and justice.

Interfaith Relationships
We deeply respect other religious traditions and value our work with other faith leaders. In fact, we frequently work with Interfaith Worker Justice of San Diego County, which is housed on our campus, and partnered with them to form the San Diego Multifaith Collaborative.
Here’s a picture from an Interfaith Service preparing for a march to the border.

Wine into Water
Each year, we partner with other local churches to hold a Wine into Water Event – a wine tasting to raise money for water development work in the developing world.

Sunburst House
UCC has built an important relationship with Sunburst House, which is transitional housing for formerly homeless LGBTQ+ youth.
Here’s a picture of a Thanksgiving meal together.

Global Ministries
UCC is a Global Ministries congregation, which means that we have made a commitment to support the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) effort for development work in other countries. In particular, we have developed a strong relationship with Albergue Las Memorias, an HIV/AIDS Hospice Home in Tijuana. We frequently collect items, donate money, visit, and partner in prayer.
A Recent Trip to Las Memorias

Scholarship Banquet
UCC values education and every year gives generous scholarships to students pursuing college degrees.

Rummage Sale
Each year, UCC hosts a huge rummage sale that raises between $15,000-$20,000. ALL of the proceeds go to support other non-profits.

Little Free Library
In the Fall of 2017, we put out two Little Free Libraries for the community to use as an experiment, it has turned out to be an immensely successful way for us to connect with the community.
Jubilee USA Network
UCC is a member of the Jubilee USA network, which organizes faith communities to work together in the struggle to break the chains of debt in the developing world. Find out more about the Jubilee USA Network.
Rev. Caleb (left) is pictured with Jubilee USA Executive Director, Eric LeCompte and other faith leaders as they meet with the oversight committee in San Juan, PR to discuss Puerto Rico’s debt restructure.

Environmental Concern
Our congregation cares deeply about caring for God’s creation and is a Green Chalice Congregation. The
Green Chalice program is designed to recognize congregations for being good stewards of God’s creation. It also aims to empower congregations/assemblies with ideas and resources to enable them to walk gently on the earth.

Education Project International
EPI is a non-profit organization started at UCC whose mission is to eliminate poverty through education and opportunity.

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